This website will serve as a singular location for people to book tickets for events, restaurants, and places to stay in Ghana.
https://y3nko.com <— will be online soon, in development
I love my motherland of Ghana. In recent years, a lot of people have come to love it as well. It’s become a popular spot for people to travel to, especially after the year of return.
As someone from the country and who has family there it’s easier for me to navigate and go around than most people, note that I said easier not easy. There are still some things that make it difficult for foreigners to get used to when traveling the country like where to go, how to pay for things, how to get a driver etc.
That has prevented so many people from visiting the country and when people are there they should feel comfortable enough to travel to places ahead of time without feeling the nerves and frustration that come with being in a new country and place.